About the magazine "Space of Love and Light"
"Space of Love and Light" is the International Magazine on people's spiritual health, on the unlimited possibilities of man and of human consciousness.
The magazine is registered and published in Ukraine.
The articles in the journal are published in Russian and Ukrainian.Editor-in-Chief Olena Shatanova
Responsible for publication and foreign contacts Aleksandr Shatanov
Ukraine, 36014, Poltava-14, Sigina Str, 29, office 309
+380-95-596-22-65, +380-96-575-07-39;
+380-66-328-81-50: +380-97-019-27-78;
Email blagosvet@ukr.net (Russian and English)
aleks.shatanov @ gmx.de (German and English)
Website: http://tls.in.ua, http://de.tls.in.ua (German), http://en.tls.in.ua (English).
Thera is online mailing list. Each letter contains the text in Russian, English and German.
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We select the best articles of the magayins "Space of Love and Light," then we translate these articles into German and English. The translated articles are published as digests.
You can buy ous Digests in the editorial of the magazine or from our partners.
To Home page:
RU: Территория Любви и Света
EN: Space of Love and Light
DE: Der Raum von Liebe und Licht